Saturday, January 28, 2006

Presents are Good

I got my bag in the mail today from Regan--it's even greater than it looks in the forbidden picture below!

Speaking of presents, here's the sweater I made for my sister for her birthday:

Teri's Pullover

And, just because I'm all sorts of magnanamous (or because I had leftover yarn--you decide), here's a bonus hat for Julie:

Julie's Hat

I'm going to start socks now. I mean RIGHT now. Wish me luck!


Blogger evilsciencechick said...


what kind of yarn is the sweater?

1/29/2006 2:56 PM  
Blogger Aimee said...

It's called "Get Away"
35% Tactel, 35% Nylon, 18% Cotton, and 12% Acrylic.
It feels soooooo good--really springy and soft.
Check it out here:

1/29/2006 3:38 PM  
Blogger Aimee said...

Mailed the hat today. First class. Cost less than 90 cents. Hahahaha!

It should arrive shortly.

1/31/2006 9:11 PM  

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